Saturday, 9 April 2016

the lord of the rings - What is the age of Bilbo in the events of The Hobbit?

You are correct, Bilbo is 50 when he meets Gandalf in the Hobbit ... in Third Age 2941, 60 years before the party in TA 3001, at the start of the Lord of the Rings. He will turn 51 later that year in the story.

Hobbits live longer then Humans, shown by the fact that Bilbo's age at the party of 111 is not that unusual, what is unusual is how young he looks for his age due to the ring. Also Hobbits come of age at age 33, rather than is typically 16-21 for Humans today.

You say that Bilbo is quite young in the movie. Martin Freeman is 41 years old now, so was around 40 when filming the movies. Given that Hobbits live longer, I don't think its unrealistic to think that he doesn't look typically old for a 50 year old Hobbit.

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