Saturday 2 January 2016

amateur observing - Orion Constellation request

I think what you want it for is all important?

I use World Wide Telescope ( as a demonstration tool.

You can use it to look at any part of the sky using a variety of catalogues and imagery. The default "background" imagery is from the digitised sky survey.

The way it works is that if you zoom into an area it downloads higher and higher resolution images, but you can cache these. Thus you can scan and cache the whole of Orion so that you can pan and zoom (particularly effective with a mouse wheel) rapidly and at will at a later date.

You can also supplement the DSS images with (e.g. HST images of the Orion Nebula cluster), which are overlaid and rotated correctly onto the DSS image.

If you have an HD display, then of course you can take a screenshot of any view you arrange.

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