Monday 4 January 2016

Can JARVIS be for real?

All the assumptions you have done are quite true in all the aspects. JARVIS stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System in the movie. So what can Jarvis do? In the movie we have seen him as a computer which acts as a Digital Assistant. Jarvis handles each and everything about the Tony Stark including his work, Writing Programs for his Suit, Handling Security of His house and all.Technically we have not yet reached that far so that we can do everything that is shown in the movie. But

apart from Film, is it possible to have such intelligent computer in the real life ?

and Researchers say:

Well Answer is Yes cause i believe impossible itself says i am possible.

If we view this problem from programmers point of view

apart from customization the very important thing is the accurate Voice recognisation system and yes this is not a General Voice recognisation system that have a Simple Database of Pre described commands and compare the Human voice to commands stored, if it matches then some event occurs else a mismatch happens. But Jarvis Computer was like a Responsive voice recognisation system that can even raise question from itself and waiting for answer. i hope you guess what really i am talking about , yes we need to Put some Artificial Intelligence Programs to avail such a feature which is not easy.

But some geeks have started working on it. Like Chad Barraford who has already made device named DIY which can work almost like Jarvis. It can:

Jarvis Can Talk
Barraford developed a language interpretation system that employs MacSpeech Dictate, a program that converts speech into text so Jarvis can interpret it. In this video, Barraford demonstrates Jarvis's listening and speaking abilities.

He Can Wake You
Here, Barraford demonstrates Jarvis's alarm clock system and daily weather report.

Jarvis Watches Over the Home
Barraford gave his dog and his close friends RFID keychains so that Jarvis would know when they are in the apartment. "He figures out who is home and who isn't, and he changes the environmental settings based on that information," Barraford says. For example, Jarvis uses the X10 system to turn off the lights if no one is home, and when friends are over he keeps Barraford's Facebook notifications private, instead of reading them aloud like usual. In this video, Barraford demonstrates the RFID tag reader.

And He Can Even Help With Migraines
Jarvis really comes in handy when Barraford gets a debilitating migraine headache, which occurs about once every other month. An instant message is all it takes to switch Jarvis into migraine mode, which calls for him to send an e-mail to Barraford's boss, update Twitter and Facebook and dim the apartment lights.

For all these functions The complete pack of Jarvis includes

Mac Mini
radio-frequency-identification (RFID) tag reader
X10 home automation system
wall speakers and a wireless microphone.

So we cannot say we have made an exact think like Jarvis, but we can surely say we are approcahing to creating like one slowly.

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