Sunday 10 January 2016

science fiction - 1990s sci-fi tv show with invading humanoids and dull crosshatched eyes

I am remembering a sci fi tv show from probably around the 90s in which the enemies had strange eyes. The eyes were dull and had either a cross or a line through them.
Weaponry was like assault rifles, maybe energy based, maybe bullets, but looking basically along the lines of special forces assault teams (along the lines of SG-1 type weaponry).

I think humans could be converted some how, similar to the Borg of Star Trek and the eyes were the way to tell if someone was human or not.

I want to say it was titled something like EarthX or Earth3000 or something like that, but I've tried Googling those with no results, so that is probably wrong.


  • This was in the US. I'm not sure of the channel or syndication, but at the time I know we only had ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS. I'm pretty sure it wasn't on PBS.

  • I'm not sure of any 'in universe' planet names.

  • This was live-action, not anime.

  • Aliens were humanoid and looked normal, except for the eyes.

  • Overall 'look' of the show was dark and industrial futuristic, not the clean, white futuristic look.

  • Few, if any, special effects

  • Seemed aimed at adults, no comic 'barney the dinosaur' style characters or similar. Definitely more like SG-1 than anything else I can think of (minus the actual Stargate of course)

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