Tuesday 5 January 2016

What is the theme of Cash Back?

Personally, I agree with this particular review of the movie, (as far as the plot is concerned) in Seattle Times, where the reviewer says this:

"Cashback" is a surprisingly charming hybrid of romantic comedy and
"artsy" male fantasy.

The time-pausing ability of Ben is a fantasy of his, which he thinks about as a way to pass his night shift. He talks about, how time manipulation is an art, and how Sharon believes in not checking the time, to actually pass time. He stretches this fantasy of his, to connect it with his fascination and inspiration from female form as an arts student.

Ben tells about a Swedish foreign student, living with his family, when he was 6, whom he sees naked. At this point, Ben says that he was exposed to fascination and beauty of nakedness and he wanted to freeze the world so that he can live for a week in it. He still thinks that, that was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He fantasizes naked females in his frozen world, due to this.

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