Tuesday 5 January 2016

What story is the music video Snuff trying to portray?

I am going to kick off this answer with 'I think', therefore it may not fall into the acceptable range as outlined by the FAQ. For that reason the question itself might be on shaky ground - but I would like to see a decent debate about it in the meta.

That said...

I think the video can be interpreted on several levels, but the main theme I took away from it was one of all-consuming love. The man in the film, initially presented as a stalker, has lost the love of his life. The woman entering the room, undressing and washing is a figment of his imagination. However, there is a point where the roles cross over and become blurred, evident by the reveal at the end that it is he who has taken on the woman's persona, clothes, make up and all.

For some reason I was reminded of Macbeth. For me, Macbeth was a weak character, controlled and ultimately possessed by Lady Macbeth, and in a way the woman in this story (through use of repeated voice over) is the possessing force, consuming the man's very soul. This is why we get the scenes of mental anguish as he struggles to adhere to his promise to her, to never let her go. There's even a bloody hand washing shot which made me think of "Out, damned spot..." but I might be stretching things a bit here.

Why does Malcolm McDowell's character react the way he does to the woman at the beginning and then to the man? Perhaps a time frame issue, or even another construct of the man's broken psyche.

I'm interested to read other interpretations for other users... but I'm also acutely aware that we are treading on thin ice here ;)

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