Monday, 17 February 2014

coordinate - Need Simple equation for Rise, Transit, and Set time

I'm not sure it qualifies as "simple", but, using (and some
additional calculations/simplifications):

text{Event} & text{Time} & phi & Z \
text{Any} & text{t} & tan ^{-1}(cos (lambda ) sin (delta )-cos
(delta ) cos (alpha -t) sin (lambda ),cos (delta ) sin (alpha
-t)) & tan ^{-1}left(sqrt{(cos (lambda ) sin (delta )-cos (delta
) cos (alpha -t) sin (lambda ))^2+cos ^2(delta ) sin ^2(alpha
-t)},cos (delta ) cos (lambda ) cos (alpha -t)+sin (delta ) sin
(lambda )right) \
text{Rise} & alpha -cos ^{-1}(-tan (delta ) tan (lambda )) & tan
^{-1}left(sec (lambda ) sin (delta ),cos (delta ) sqrt{1-tan
^2(delta ) tan ^2(lambda )}right) & 0 \
text{Transit} & alpha &
delta >lambda & 0 \
delta =lambda & text{Zenith} \
delta <lambda & pi
& frac{pi }{2}-left| delta -lambda right| \
text{Set} & alpha +cos ^{-1}(-tan (delta ) tan (lambda )) & tan
^{-1}left(sec (lambda ) sin (delta ),-cos (delta ) sqrt{1-tan
^2(delta ) tan ^2(lambda )}right) & 0 \
text{Lowest Point} & alpha +pi &
delta >-lambda & 0 \
delta =-lambda & text{Nadir} \
delta <-lambda & pi
& left| delta +lambda right|-frac{pi }{2} \


  • $phi$ is the azimuth of the object

  • $Z$ is the altitude of the object above the horizon

  • $alpha$ is the right ascension of the object

  • $delta$ is the declination of the object

  • $lambda$ is the latitude of the observer

  • $t$ is the current local sidereal time

Note the two-argument form of arctangent is required so that the
results are in the correct quadrant:

Additional caveats:

  • If $left| delta -lambda right|>frac{pi }{2}$, the object is
    always below the horizon, and the equations for rising time and
    setting time will not work.

  • If $left| delta +lambda right|>frac{pi }{2}$, the object is
    always above the horizon (circumpolar), and the equations for rising
    and setting time will also not work.

  • The measurements above are in radians. You can convert $pi to
    180 {}^{circ}$ for degrees.

  • Because we use the local sidereal time, the longitude doesn't
    appear in any of the formulas above. However, we do need it to find
    the local sidereal time, as below.

  • To find the local sideral time $t$ in radians, we use and make some substitions
    to get:

$t = 4.894961212735792 + 6.30038809898489 d + psi$

where $psi$ is your longitude in radians, and $d$ is the number of
days (including fractional days) since "2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC". Traditionally, we use $phi$ for longitude, but I'm already using it in the formulas above for azimuth.

If you combine the formula for local sidereal time and
azimuth/altitude and assume excessive precision, you get my answer to

Additional computations for these results at:

I was going to add some graphs to show how the altitude is NOT a sine wave and how the azimuth is NOT a straight line (although you might expect them to be), but they turned out not to be terribly instructive/helpful.

You might also be able to get simpler formulas if you set $t$ to be the "hour angle" (which is $alpha-t$ in the current setup).

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