Friday 8 January 2016

What was David's motivation in Prometheus?

In the very beginning of the film David's hair style is different, then we see him watching the film while he is coloring the roots of his hair to match Peter's, and then he combs it so that he has the same hair style. He later repeats the phrase "The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts". I think David repeats that line two or three times. I took this to imply that David's natural appearance is different including his hair color.

Is this sequence connected to David's fascination with the Engineers. Absolutely, because this scene defines a repeating theme that David tents to overly obsess over things related to the human condition. I think you have to watch Lawrence of Arabia to understand what was being implied by that scene.

Why did David infect the Doctor?

David is seen reporting to Peter Weyland that the Engineers are all dead, and he then explains that Peter Weyland ordered him to "try harder" to discover what happen to them.

Did Peter tell David to infect a crew member, or did David conceive this idea on his own? That isn't made clear in the film. Later in the film, Peter Weyland is told to take off his helmet and Elizabeth protests saying that the infection that killed the Doctor could be air born. Peter Weyland appears to not know that the Doctor is dead, and David just gives Elizabeth a look.

What was his motivation?

David says "big things have small beginnings" and then later while talking to the Doctor. He says "if you could meet your creator, what would you say?". I really feel that David understood that the dark fluid was a virus, and that it created life. In that scene David expresses a fascination with meeting ones creator, and also his disapproval of humans. I think he gave it to the Doctor, so he could destroy his creator and turn himself into a creator at the same time. While answering the question, what does this black stuff really do?

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