A few days ago I decided to take on the little project of converting a Qbasic program into Python (as a side project to my Radio Jove project), and I've managed to get it to run, but the math is definitely off. I was hoping for a fellow astronomer or astrophysicist to assist in the mathematical side of my Python code. Obviously something is wrong with the math aspect of the code since most of the values in the python program are very skewed. My apologies in advance for the single character variables. I would make them better if I knew everything going on.
Qbasic code:
'Program to flag Jovian Decametric windows
wi = 42.46 / 360
pi = 3.141593
kr = pi / 180
f$ = "### ## ##.# ### ### ##.## "
OPEN "jovrad.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
INPUT "Year for which predictions are required"; yy
e = INT((yy - 1) / 100)
f = 2 - e + INT(e / 4)
jd = INT(365.25 * (yy - 1)) + 1721423 + f + .5
d0 = jd - 2435108
incr = 0
IF yy / 400 - INT(yy / 400) = 0 THEN incr = 1
yyly = yy / 4 - INT(yy / 4)
yylc = yy / 100 - INT(yy / 100)
IF yyly = 0 AND yylc <> 0 THEN incr = 1
ty = 59 + incr
dmax = 365 + incr
tx = ty + .5
PRINT #1, "******************************************************"
PRINT #1, "******************************************************"
PRINT #1, "Day Date Hr(UT) Io_Phase CML Dist(AU) Source"
th = 0
GOSUB Compute
s$ = ""
IF L3 < 255 AND L3 > 200 AND U1 < 250 AND U1 > 220 THEN s$ = "Io-A"
IF L3 < 180 AND L3 > 105 AND U1 < 100 AND U1 > 80 THEN s$ = "Io-B"
IF L3 < 350 AND L3 > 300 AND U1 < 250 AND U1 > 230 THEN s$ = "Io-C"
IF s$ <> "" THEN GOSUB Outdat
th = th + .5
LOOP UNTIL INT(th / 24) + 1 > dmax
PRINT "Program completed - results in file JOVRAD.TXT"
d = d0 + th / 24
v = (157.0456 + .0011159# * d) MOD 360
m = (357.2148 + .9856003# * d) MOD 360
n = (94.3455 + .0830853# * d + .33 * SIN(kr * v)) MOD 360
j = (351.4266 + .9025179# * d - .33 * SIN(kr * v)) MOD 360
a = 1.916 * SIN(kr * m) + .02 * SIN(kr * 2 * m)
b = 5.552 * SIN(kr * n) + .167 * SIN(kr * 2 * n)
k = j + a - b
r = 1.00014 - .01672 * COS(kr * m) - .00014 * COS(kr * 2 * m)
re = 5.20867 - .25192 * COS(kr * n) - .0061 * COS(kr * 2 * n)
dt = SQR(re * re + r * r - 2 * re * r * COS(kr * k))
sp = r * SIN(kr * k) / dt
ps = sp / .017452
dl = d - dt / 173
pb = ps - b
xi = 150.4529 * INT(dl) + 870.4529 * (dl - INT(dl))
L3 = (274.319 + pb + xi + .01016 * 51) MOD 360
U1 = 101.5265 + 203.405863# * dl + pb
U2 = 67.81114 + 101.291632# * dl + pb
z = (2 * (U1 - U2)) MOD 360
U1 = U1 + .472 * SIN(kr * z)
U1 = (U1 + 180) MOD 360
dy = INT(th / 24) + 1
h = th - (dy - 1) * 24
IF dy > ty THEN
m = INT((dy - tx) / 30.6) + 3
da = dy - ty - INT((m - 3) * 30.6 + .5)
m = INT((dy - 1) / 31) + 1
da = dy - (m - 1) * 31
mn$ = MID$(m$, (m - 1) * 3 + 1, 3)
PRINT #1, USING f$; dy; mn$; da; h; U1; L3; dt; s$
Sample output:
Day Date Hr(UT) Io_Phase CML Dist(AU) Source
4 JAN 4 11.0 228 205 5.81 Io-A
4 JAN 4 11.5 233 224 5.81 Io-A
4 JAN 4 12.0 237 242 5.81 Io-A
6 JAN 6 6.0 233 325 5.78 Io-C
6 JAN 6 6.5 237 343 5.78 Io-C
7 JAN 7 6.5 81 133 5.76 Io-B
7 JAN 7 7.0 86 152 5.76 Io-B
7 JAN 7 7.5 90 170 5.76 Io-B
9 JAN 9 20.0 241 203 5.73 Io-A
9 JAN 9 20.5 246 222 5.73 Io-A
11 JAN 11 12.5 225 232 5.70 Io-A
11 JAN 11 13.0 229 251 5.70 Io-A
11 JAN 11 14.5 242 305 5.70 Io-C
11 JAN 11 15.0 246 323 5.70 Io-C
12 JAN 12 15.0 90 113 5.68 Io-B
12 JAN 12 15.5 94 131 5.68 Io-B
12 JAN 12 16.0 98 150 5.68 Io-B
14 JAN 14 8.5 82 179 5.66 Io-B
16 JAN 16 21.0 234 214 5.61 Io-A
16 JAN 16 21.5 238 232 5.61 Io-A
16 JAN 16 22.0 242 250 5.61 Io-A
18 JAN 18 15.5 234 315 5.59 Io-C
18 JAN 18 16.0 238 333 5.59 Io-C
19 JAN 19 16.0 82 124 5.57 Io-B
19 JAN 19 16.5 86 142 5.57 Io-B
19 JAN 19 17.0 91 160 5.57 Io-B
19 JAN 19 17.5 95 178 5.57 Io-B
Python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division
import math
print('Program to flag Jovian Decametric windows')
month = ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC']
week = 42.46/360
pi = 3.141593
kr = pi / 180
form = "### ## ##.# ### ### ##.## \"
num1 = open('jovrad.txt', 'w')
yy = int(raw_input(("Year for which predictions are required ")))
e = math.trunc(((yy-1) / 100))
f = 2 - e + math.trunc(e/4)
jd = math.trunc(365.25 * (yy - 1)) + 1721423 + f + .5
d0 = jd - 2435108
incr = 0
dmax = 0
tx = 0
ty = 0
yyly = 0
yylc = 0
if yy / 400 - math.trunc((yy / 400)) == 0:
incr = 1
yyly = yy / 4 - math.trunc((yy / 4))
yylc = yy / 100 - math.trunc((yy / 100))
if yyly == 0 and yylc != 0:
incr = 1
ty = 59 + incr
dmax = 365 + incr
tx = ty + .5
print("******************************************************", file=num1)
print("******************************************************", file=num1)
print("n", file=num1)
print("Day Date Hr(UT) Io_Phase CML Dist(AU) Source", file=num1)
print("n", file=num1)
th = 0
def compute(d0, th, dmax):
global U1, L3, dt, s
d = d0 + math.trunc(th / 24)
v = (157.0456 + .0011159 * d) % 360
m = (357.2148 + .9856003 * d) % 360
n = (94.3455 + .0830853 * d + .33 * math.sin(kr * v)) % 360
j = (351.4266 + .9025179 * d - .33 * math.sin(kr * v)) % 360
a = 1.916 * math.sin(kr * m) + .02 * math.sin(kr * 2 * m)
b = 5.552 * math.sin(kr * n) + .167 * math.sin(kr * 2 * n)
k = j + a - b
r = 1.00014 - .01672 * math.cos(kr * m) - .00014 * math.cos(kr * 2 * m)
re = 5.20867 - .25192 * math.cos(kr * n) - .0061 * math.cos(kr * 2 * n)
dt = math.sqrt(re * re + r * r - 2 * re * r * math.cos(kr * k))
sp = r * math.sin(kr * k) / dt
ps = sp / .017452
dl = d - dt / 173
pb = ps - b
xi = 150.4529 * math.trunc((dl)) + 870.4529 * (dl - math.trunc((dl)))
L3 = (274.319 + pb + xi + .01016 * 51) % 360
U1 = 101.5265 + 203.405863 * dl + pb
U2 = 67.81114 + 101.291632 * dl + pb
z = (2 * (U1 - U2)) % 360
U1 = U1 + .472 * math.sin(kr * z)
U1 = (U1 + 180) % 360
s = ""
while math.trunc(th / 24) + 1 < dmax and math.trunc(th / 24) + 1 == dmax:
if L3 < 255 and L3 > 200 and U1 < 250 and U1 > 220:
s = "Io-A"
if L3 < 180 and L3 > 105 and U1 < 100 and U1 > 80:
s = "Io-B"
if L3 < 350 and L3 > 300 and U1 < 250 and U1 > 230:
s = "Io-C"
if s != "":
th = th + .5
print("Program completed - results in file JOVRAD.TXT", file=num1)
compute(d0, th, dmax)
def outdat(th,tx,ty):
dy = math.trunc((th / 24)) + 1
h = th - (dy - 1) * 24
if(dy > th):
m = math.trunc((dy - tx) / 30.6) + 3
da = dy - ty - math.trunc((m - 3) * 30.6 + .5)
m = math.trunc((dy - 1) / 31) + 1
da = dy - (m - 1) * 31
mn = month[(m-1)*3+1:(m-1)*3-1+3]
print(dy, mn, da, h, U1, L3, dt, s, file=num1)
My current output:
Day Date Hr(UT) Io_Phase CML Dist(AU) Source
-12.9775 1.0 ['AUG'] -0.5 0.0 135.325782651 10.6054462674 5.7071322535