Monday, 19 October 2015

gravity - "Up" and "down" in Space

From my understanding, "up" and "down" in space is going towards (down) an object's gravitational pull or (up) which is going away from it. I get confused with this explanation, and I believe simply because of how we perceive up and down here on earth.

My question(s) is this: Can we go in all directions in space with the "Earth" interpretation of up, down, left, right, north west, south east, etc if we can get past gravitational pulls of objects in space?

Space Drawing

Looking at my Gimp version of the universe, I have the Earth and stars. So going up would essentially be go towards any of the stars in the picture that has the strongest gravitational pull, although each object are on different planes?

In relation to my question above, I have imagined Earth in space as to like the 10 floor on an infinite elevator that can go in all directions. Say we can somehow go through star A and escape it's gravitational pull, we would be essentially "going down" right?

Now my other question: Are there objects in every single direction is space? How about in the Bootes void? Since it's such a massive void and there isn't much objects around to pull you in "down" or go away from "up", essentially can't we go in any direction?

If it may seems that my question about this is kind of confusing, I apologize because I'm confused about this myself!

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