Friday 22 January 2016

game of thrones - Are bastard surnames permanent?

Only a highborn has a surname. A bastard of a highborn is named ( Snow, flowers, etc ).

So we have Jon Snow. If he marries a peasant ( provided that he doesnt leave the nights Watch ) it doesnt matter what his child is named as he is a highborn bastard and a peasant doesnt have a surname so WHO cares.

On the other hand is some dashing highborn maid fancies him and is soooooo savy to convince her parents to let her marry Jon ( either so her Family can gain prestige from beeing married to a Stark descendant or just because... ) in this case Jon could take the name of tha girls Family. He would become noble and holder of lands. Therfore he would be permitted to adopt the name of the Family of invent something.

That happen to that bodyguard of Tyrion (Bron)?? He married into nobility!
Pay attention, he is now known as Lord Bron of Blackwater ( He invented a name for himself after beeing bethroed to Lolys )

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