Friday 22 January 2016

Gangster movie about a group of orphans under the care of a priest

A group of poor orphan boys are under care of a priest. Some of the elders of this group join the gangsters in robbing a bank and make some of wishes of the younger's true (buy them clothes, ball etc.). One of them becomes a famous gangster.

The priest takes them to a school and tries to change their future. The famous young gangster gets arrested by police and is sentenced to death.

The priest goes to him at jail and asks him to cry when he is going for execution because he is the hero of boys and they will follow his way unless they think he has been regretful in the last moments. Young gangster replies, pride is the last thing I have when leaving this world and denies his request.

Tomorrow when boys read newspapers they find that gangster was begging for his life when he was getting for execution.

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