Sunday 17 January 2016

star trek - Is the USS Defiant (Defiant class) or the NCC 1701-E Enterprise (Sovereign class) a stronger ship for battle?

I'm rewatching DS9 and have been watching a lot of the Dominion war battles. I see a lot of the Galaxy class ships in the battles. I don't recall seeing any of the sovereign class ships in any of the battles, but I'm sure they were present.

I realize that the defiant is tough, has a lot of weapons, etc. I see it win a lot of what appear to be unrealistic battles, but that's for another discussion.

I can't help but wonder if the Defiant went up against a ship like the Enterprise E who would win?

I realize the Defiant is more manueverable but the Enterprise is so much larger and more powerful...I just can't figure out how the stack up.

If I think of boxing for example. Even though a middleweight is quicker, more agile, etc. a Heavyweight could knock out a middleweight with one punch pretty easily, which is why there are weight classes. I'm not sure if this analogy fits here, but I wanted to throw it out.

So my question is in terms of battle only which class of ship is better suited and how do they stack up against each other? Please include hull strength, shield strength, armament, types of weapons, amount of weapons, etc. anything that would help with the analysis.

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