Saturday 23 January 2016

Toy Story 3 in Spanish

In the Spanish versions of the film, during Buzz Lightyear's "Spanish
mode", he continues to speak Spanish rather than a different language
such as English. However, different accents and dialects are used
depending on the region. In the Latin American version, "normal" Buzz
uses the local Latin American variety of Spanish in the dubbed
version, but when he converts to "Spanish mode", he shifts to the
"standard" Castilian accent (from central Spain), which to native
speakers, sounds very different from Latin American Spanish. In Spain,
"normal" Buzz uses standard Castilian Spanish in the dubbed version,
and when he converts to Spanish mode, he then uses an exaggerated
Andalusian accent from southern Spain, which is appropriately the land
of flamenco and many other traditions identified as stereotypically
Spanish. Woody even responds to him with a mock imitation of this
Andalusian accent. In that way, the basic premise of the joke is
retained or even enhanced in the Spanish dubbed versions.

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