Thursday 24 December 2015

Why doesn't Bane just detonate the bomb?

Bane has a dim view of humanity, especially the people of Gotham. He thinks people, under significant stress and hardship, will turn into maggots, not dissimilar to the way the Joker felt. He wants to screw with their minds. His 'revolution' is a way for him to exploit anti-authoritarian sentiment amongst the people : he positions himself as a liberator, as someone who's on the side of the weak, those who've been crushed by the 'system' - the poor, people who don't like the police.

Put simply : he enjoys watching people squirm, because he and Talia are sadistic bastards whose childhood pain has distorted their view of humanity so much that they cannot see the world as anything but a cruel place. They want to accomplish the opposite of what Wayne does : just like the Joker, they want to encourage people to 'eat each other' ... 'to stay in the sun'.

Why did they leave it so long? They thought they couldn't fail. They were arrogant and reckless, but more importantly : they had a mole inside the 'resistance' who was able to forecast every single move Gordon, Blake et al would make - the mole, of course, being Talia. And one more for one more reason that is obvious but not always apparent : they are fuc*ing crazy. They're not factoring in self-preservation or anything logical : they're trying to create hell on Earth - and enjoying it.

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