Tuesday, 13 September 2011

invariant theory - Is $Sym^n (V^*) cong Sym^n (V)^ast$ naturally in positive characteristic?


It is a classical fact that we have a natural isomorphism $Sym^n (V^*) cong Sym^n (V) ^ast$ for vector spaces $V$ over a field $k$ of characteristic 0. One way to see this is the following.

On the one hand elements of $Sym^n (V^*)$ are symmetric powers of degree n of linear forms on $V$, so they can be identified with homogeneous polynomials of degree n on $V$. On the other hand elements of $Sym^n (V) ^ast$ are linear functionals on $Sym^n V$; by the universal property of $Sym^n V$ these correspond to n-multilinear symmetric forms on $V$. The isomorphism is then as follows.

An n-multilinear symmetric form $phi$ corresponds to the homogeneous polynomial $p(v) = phi(v, dots, v)$. In the other direction to a polynomial $p(v)$ we attach the multinear form obtained by polarization $phi(v_1, dots, v_n) = frac{1}{n!}sum_{I subset [n]} (-1)^{n - sharp I} p(sum_{i in I} v_i)$. Here $[n]$ is the set $lbrace 1, dots, n rbrace$.


Of course this will not work for $n$ greater than the characteristic of $k$ if the latter is positive.

One can expect that an isomorphism $Sym^n (V^*) cong Sym^n (V) ^ast$ holds also in positive characteristic, and that this should be trivially true by using the universal properties of the symmetric powers. The problem is that if I try to define a natural map between the two spaces using the universal properties I have at some point to divide by $n!$ anyway.

Still there may be some natural isomorphism that I cannot see. Or maybe there is not a natural isomorphism, but I don't know how to prove this.

Is there a natural isomoprhism $Sym^n (V^*) cong Sym^n (V)^ast$ in positive characteristic?

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