Wednesday 6 April 2016

Help identify funny Alfred Hitchcock homage

I saw this short film on American television some time in the late '70s or early '80s. It pretended to be a low-budget homage to Alfred Hitchcock, with scenes and techniques based on Hitchcock's, only much more gratuitous and heavy-handed. It had a voice-over/commentary that was supposedly the nerdy, overly enthusiastic student director explaining each scene to Hitchcock himself, with Hitchcock responding in a deadpan, unimpressed manner. (I don't think it was really him, but it sounded like him.)

  • There was a shower scene similar to the one in Psycho. In the
    voice over, Hitchcock asks where the bathroom is, and the director
    starts to go into detail about where they filmed the scene. Hitchcock interrupts
    him with "No, no. WHERE is the BATHROOM?"

  • There is a scene where someone is trying to hide among the spectators at a
    tennis match. As the hand-held camera slowly approaches the stands, every head is turning back and forth in time with the sound of the ball being hit, except for the one guy in the center of the frame, who is staring straight ahead.

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