Tuesday 5 April 2016

stunts - Is the street fight in "They Live" the longest clocked street fight in a film?

Added examples, all over 5:05 - hopefully will lose the downvote.

I would say no, principally because of Jackie Chan. His movies like Supercop and Rumble in the Bronx are basically 90-minute street fights punctuated with bursts of dialogue.

A few excerpts from the master of the running non-stop fight:

Also the final act of Kill Bill Pt. 1 is pretty much a non-stop fight:

  • Bride vs. B-squad Crazy 88s and O-Ren Ishii with The Bride versus the Crazy 88s clocks in at over 6:30 (1:15 to 7:45)- warning: includes blood, gore and a gratitutious sword-spanking. She does pause a few seconds between some kills.

Both together would clock in at almost 20 mins but there is a breather after she finishes off Gogo.

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