Saturday, 16 February 2008

ds.dynamical systems - Why do dynamicists worry so much about differentiability hypotheses in smooth dynamics?

My impression always was that this is because of ingrained mathematical culture of seeking the most precise requirements for a particular theorem to hold. That way, when a non-smooth situation eventually does emerge, the theorems are already in place to deal with it. It's one of the differences in culture between pure mathematics, applied mathematics and physics.

I always wondered about looking at the problem the other way around: if you assume that stronger and stronger continuity holds, then what extra properties hold? What about $C^{infty}$ cases and analytic, is there a gap in between?

The same phenomenon appears in a lot of the optimization literature, where weaker and weaker continuity requirements are made on the functions being optimized. I find this weird -- why not instead create faster and faster optimizers that leverage the smoothness properties present in most applications?

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