Monday 30 July 2012

nt.number theory - Proof of no rational point on Selmer's Curve 3x^3+4y^3+5z^3=0

The "standard" technique for killing the Hasse priniciple for elliptic curves is to show that the Tate-Shafarevich group has a copy of (Z/mZ)^2 for some m - see chapter X in Silverman's the arithmetic of Eliptic curves, both for the theory and examples. All the examples which Silverman presents ar with m = 2. Selmers example requires m = 3, which requires (much) more computations. Poonen has an example
on his web page of a family of elliptic curves violating the Hasse principle, and containing Selmers example, but you'd have to dive through a labirinth of references.

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