Wednesday 11 May 2016

Did Prince Leopold pull out the sword in a single attempt?

Prince Leopald took it as a challenge to reveal the mechanisms behind Eisenhams tricks out of his self-esteem. So he invited Eisenham to his private party to show everyone, like you wrote, that Eisenham was a mere charlatan and nothing more. His plan was to spoil his tricks in front of the public and this can be aptly done in his private place.

At the end of the show, we saw that Leopald failed in uncovering any method of the tricks Eisenham had shown in the party. Even Eisenham made him request to himself through eye-contact to let the sword go with Leopald.

It was a grave insult to Leoplad. He made him looking foolish in front of the public even with no help from any gadgetry. So he felt offended. It came from both his inability to pull the sword out himself and unraveling the trick.

For clarification, Leopald could not pull the sword out if Eisenham did not let it go. If you look closely, Leopald made an eye contact to Eisenham, to which he nodded and then only he could pull the sword out.

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