Monday, 30 May 2016

Why did Marcellus Wallace throw Tony Rocky Horror out of a window?

The only people who know the reason are Marcellus and Antwan "Tony Rocky Horror". So here's my theory, but needs little explaining. After Zed incident, Marcellus tells Butch the only people that will ever know about the "incident" are himself, Butch and Zed (though not for much longer once he tortures him to death.) Sound familiar?

I think Tony Rocky Horror (and that references Rocky Horror Picture Show, cult classic about a transvestite) must have come onto Marcellus and he threw the guy out of a window to be sure he never did it again. Is one of his crew and didn't actually do anything invasive, so let him live, unlike Zed, a stranger that full on raped him and he knew needed a waaaay worse lesson.

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