Saturday, 7 May 2016

film techniques - Is this mask really possible?

No, that one is not possible. Knowing the limitations of current mask technology, it's not possible to simply have a one-piece, pull-it-all-off mask to reveal everything... but let's assume for a moment that we CAN have that.

The Nose of the underlying man is much wider than the mask. Putting a mask on would just make it even larger. One cannot simply put a mask on a very large person and have them impersonate a skinny person.

What if mask tech could squeeze the face of the wearer? Add the mass of the mask itself, and this "skinnyifying" (yes I just made that up) technology in the nose of the mask together and ask just how much would it crush the underlying man's nose? To the point of him not being able to breathe through it, or speak clearly, for sure.

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