Monday 2 May 2016

identify this movie - "Road" picture about guys in a tank, possibly set in the Middle East

A group of guys (soldiers) area in a tank, they're Americans I think, who are either lost, defected, went AWOL, or something. They travel throughout a desert area and I cannot remember whether they "make it" or not. I seem to remember them slowly losing members of the platoon as they went along.

For me the most memorable scene is when one of the group goes nuts/left on his own and is strung up by locals against a rock with a grenade perched on his neck or head or some place precarious -- so that when he is cut away or shifted (saved) the thing falls, hits the ground and blows the soldier up and his savior(s). I can't remember whether he was saved or not.

In another scene, the group's commander catches one of the men drinking something like power steering fluid, radiator fluid, or something and getting drunk/high.

There is another recent movie about a tank that also gets out on its own (Israeli maybe?). The film I'm looking for is older.

I remember this film being good, gritty as @#@%$#$! and good. Saw it about 1996.

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