Thursday 12 May 2016

identify this tv show - 1990s teen action TV non-animated series: kid jumps into TV to become superhero

I've been thinking about this show I used to watch when I was a kid, but I can't remember the name.

It's about some kid and his friends. He spends most of his time in his parents' basement.
There's a TV in the basement, and this kid could "jump" into it and go through a transformation, eventually becoming some kind of superhero.
I remember the transformation looked like going through a huge slide, and I also remember this "slide" had a red/blue color.

Another thing I remember is that the villain in this show was a guy called "Mister X" or something? I'm not entirely sure but it was something with either a "mister" or an "x".
Most of the time I think he was shown in some sort of dark room with green lights.

This is basically all I remember about it. I know it's vague but I can't be the only person on earth who has seen this show (at least i hope so).

The show probably aired somewhere between 1990 and 1997.
It was also American, and they spoke English. I'd also like to point out that this was a TV show with actual people, not an animated series.

I know it all sounds pretty vague but its really all I can remember.

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