Thursday 5 May 2016

What movie has a man drowning a little girl in a nightgown in a river?

I am trying to identify a movie clip I saw as a child. I literally know nothing else about the film. It was made BEFORE 2000 and what I recall a man drowns a little girl in a river by submerging her and then bringing her back up again before submerging her again. I THINK she was in a nightgown, and I am 90% sure she was a child. It was a river or a stream or something. It didn't seem like an old film at the time, I'd say it was made between 1979-2000.

I frequently have bad dreams about this scene and would like to go and watch the film so maybe I can put it in context instead of on loop in my head. I know it is not River's Edge, Mermaids, or Don't look now.

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