Wednesday 24 February 2016

Are Max Cooperman and Ryan McCarthy friends in Never Back Down?

Max invites Jake to come and learn mixed martial arts with his instructor, while Baja invites Jake to a party at her boyfriend Ryan McCarthy's mansion and they were friends. However, Baja faced Ryan and breaks up with him on account that he beat Jake up.

In his anger, he grabs Baja's arm and refuses to let go, even after she pleads. Jake appears and attempts to stop it, only to which Ryan insults his late father, saying "You're your old man...was". This insult has a negative impact on Jake's training that creates the vengeance throughout the movie.But eventually, Jake has won the respect of all his fellow students, up to and including Ryan and they become friends again..Of course,they were friends in Never Back Down.
I think it definitely wouldn't be naive.!!

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