Friday 26 February 2016

Why does Neo's cubicle not look like the workplace of a programmer?

The Matrix is not a movie with an overdose of realism.

But parts of it take place in the normal "real" world. We see Neo at work in his software company in his cubicle before the Agents come to his workplace to arrest him. Neo is a programmer in his day job. So why does his cubicle not look like a programmer's? Whatever your view of what a programmer's workplace should look like, it should not be a sterile empty cubicle with no sign of any actual activity. There is no paperwork, no notes and no signs of any sort of activity on his desk. There are no reference books, manuals (and this is set before such resources as stackoverflow went online) or any other sign of activity. Moreover, his computer is turned off.

What explains this? Is it meant to mean something, or were the film makers just being lazy?

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