Wednesday 24 February 2016

Dolores Umbridge: Misguided or Sinister?

This is an on-going debate between my husband and I stemming from our viewing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this weekend.

In OOTP, Umbridge really appears to be more of a misguided yes-man who is fully convinced that Harry and Dumbledore are trying to use scare-tactics to grab Fudge's position as Minister of Magic.

Fast forward to Deathly Hallows I (?), and her intentions appear much more malicious. At this point, she's aware of Voldemort's return and rising influence, yet she has Mad-Eye Moody's eye in her office door (or is this only in the book? I haven't had the opportunity to re-watch DH I or II yet). Either way, does this make her a death-eater? Or just stupid?

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