Sunday, 14 February 2016

star trek - Why do the genetically enhanced augments from the Eugenics wars often lose fights?

They are described as being:

  • 5x as strong as humans

  • 2x as intelligent as humans

  • 2x as long lived as humans

  • Quicker (better reflexes) than humans

This sounds great. I'd feel honored to have them overthrow my civilization and rein in a new age. You'd expect them to be stronger than Vulcans, marginally more intelligent, and almost equally long lived. Truly superhuman.

Except... they keep failing so hard. I don't get it.

I understand how in-fighting could give the dumb, weak, but well-armed basic human beings a chance to win a war against them.

What I don't understand is how people like Capt. Archer and Capt. Kirk repeatedly win fights with them (both captains), knock them unconscious with a back of the hand slap (Archer), and outsmart them (both).

Is it a simple case of 'the good guys always win' or is there some more reasonable explanation?

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