Saturday 30 June 2012

nt.number theory - Does Ribet's level lowering theorem hold for prime powers?

I often use the following theorem (that one can state more generally) in my research.

Let E/Q be an elliptic curve of conductor N corresponding to a modular form f(E), l a prime of good or multiplicative reduction for E, and rho(l) the 2 dimensional mod l Galois representation given by the action on the l-torsion points. Suppose that the torsion subscheme E[l] extends to a finite flat group scheme over Z_l, and let p be a prime of multiplicative reduction for E such that rho(l) is unramified at p (e.g. the number field (Q(E[l]) generated by the coordinates of the l-torsion points is unramified at p). Then there exists a modular form f of conductor N/p such that f is congruent to f(E) mod l (when f has Fourier coefficients over Z then this means that all but finitely many of the coefficents are congruent mod l); one can `lower the level' from N to N/p.

Does such a result hold for powers of primes? E.g. if this holds for the mod l^n representation (instead of the mod l) does one get a congruence mod l^n?

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