Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Final Scene in Planet of the Apes (2001)

In lieu of finding anything official on the matter, my own interpretation of the film was that it did indeed take place on Earth throughout the story - just a parallel dimension Earth.

If you hold to any multiverse theories, and the nature of infinity, then we will be discussing this film an infinite number times in an infinite number of ways - a 'how long would it take a hundred chimps to write a film script?' kind of thing. To that end, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes to the story, and Leo just landed on one of them.

I personally saw the film as an exploration of 'possible Earths' caused by a wormhole, 'rip in the fabric of space' or some other wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff. Leo landed on one possible Earth, then another. We might assume there are an infinite number of other versions too.

As for the logic behind the end scene - I think the producers (including Burton) felt like they needed their 'Statue of Liberty' shot - and the Lincoln Memorial seemed to suffice. It's just a throwaway zinger to end the film - whether it works or not is a matter of personal taste.

If you are at all interested in the making of Burton's film, here is a terrific excerpt from the book Tales From Development Hell: The Greatest Movies Never Made? which was recently highlighted on - it's fascinating reading.

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