Saturday, 26 March 2016

harry potter - Why didn't Dumbledore bewitch the door of Fluffy in Philosophers stone?

There could be many reasons to that. The one I think is that JKR wasn't sure if bewitching the door by Dumbledore himself will help the story line much. Moreover, if you think about it, eventually 3 first years kids managed to break all the enchantments and barriers created by wizards much wiser and experts in their fields :)

Secondly, I believe as the story progressed in the following books, JKR created new ideas of the wizard world that were meant to clarify the mysteries of the earlier Sirius Knife to open the Alohomora Charmed doors - as mentioned above or the wagons from Hogsmeade station that were running on their own for 4 years suddenly started running by Thestrals in books 5. It is highly unlikely that in all the students of Hogwarts, nobody had seen a death of someone and nobody mentioned this to friends and nobody realized it that Thestrals were running the wagons!

As far as we know and Dumbledore himself said it too..things like these spread like wild fire in Hogwarts. So it is highly unlikely that students were, and so was Harry, unaware of the Thestrals situation.

I believe it was the story line and considering it was the first book of the series, things like these do happen.

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