Tuesday 22 March 2016

How close to the Sookie Stackhouse books is True Blood?

One of the biggest (I consider) is right at the end of Season 1. Lafayette is still alive. He dies in the first book towards the end and is actually the body they find in Andy's car at the end of the season (Which isn't revealed until the second book).

Also, there is the lack of the addition of the Brain Damaged Vampire Bubba who is actually Elvis in Vampire form who was damaged due to an overzealous vampire fan of his, working as a morgue attendant.

While the series itself keeps a bit of the overall plot elements of the book it is on (currently, we are on book 5), they have detracted a lot from the book at this point.

For example, Maryann, the other antagonist for the second season, was played up much more than she was in the book, where the whole plot revolved around the disappearance of Godric. Upon returning to Bon Temps, they find the sex party has gotten out of control (headed by Castillo, renamed to Maryann) and Bill and Eric have to clean up her mess and she leaves. There is only a hint of her relationship with Sam and he is not the main focus of her deeds in the town. This is also the same events that kill Lafayette, as I mention earlier.

The list goes on but I think I have made my point.

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