Monday 21 March 2016

lord of the rings - Why Does Samwise Gamgee Call Frodo Baggins 'Mr. Frodo'?

First of all, Sam was Frodo's gardener. Frodo kept the Ring hidden for 17 years (not in the movie). Sam grew to know his employer, respect him, and form a friendship. He valued Frodo and their friendship a lot, and looked after Frodo, considering himself Frodo's friend and guardian.

Sam is also a lot younger than Frodo, who is about 50 years of age in the book. Sam was born in 1380 of The Shire reckoning, while Frodo was born in 1368. Frodo looks young in the movie, but the ring makes the bearer stop aging (maybe the movies took this into consideration). Frodo stopped aging for 17 years while he kept the Ring hidden, similar to Bilbo.

The portrait of Sam in LOTR is of a young servant, inheriting his father's craft. Bilbo teaches Sam how to read and write. The position of Sam to the positions of Frodo, Merry and Pippin is not equal in Hobbit society, this is not portrayed in the movie.

The book also mentions Frodo, Merry, and Pippin being old friends, while Sam is not mentioned in that way until much later.

Quotes from the book:

As the years passed, Frodo seemed to stop aging and appeared at age 50 like a robust Hobbit just out of his tweens. Frodo was red-cheeked and rather stout, but taller and fairer than most Hobbits, with brown hair, bright eyes, and a cleft in his chin.

Sam had learned to read and write from Bilbo Baggins and he listened eagerly to Bilbo's tales about his adventures, particularly the ones about Elves.

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