Wednesday 16 March 2016

thriller - Identify a hollywood 2000's romance genre movie

Genre : Romance + Thriller (Thriller, in the sense there is no crime nor shooting)

Actors : Male part is played by someone similar in age/appearance to Ryan Reynolds/Gosling. Female protagonist, not sure. There is a 3rd actress who is 'not much shown in scenes' but plays a very important role in this movie.

Date : A movie probably in the timeline 2003 - 2010. Its a 2000s movie anyway.

Story: I faintly remember it and there are 2 possible plots and one of them is right:

Plot 1: The hero and heroine meet each other and fall in love and due to some turn of events get separated geographically and are remaining apart. In the course of the movie they are in their run to meet each other.

Plot2: The hero and heroine have not met each other in person but knows about each other by some form of indirect communication. In the course of the movie they are in their run to meet each other.

Be it Plot1 or Plot2, the 3rd female actor I mentioned about is a friend of the female lover. She knows about the 2 lovers and their relationship. During the course of the movie she acts to keep them separated/meeting from each other. But this intention of hers is only revealed at the end of the movie and is the "suspense". It turns out that it was only because this 3rd female character had a crush on the male protagonist. The 3rd character herself confesses about all what she had done to keep them from meeting each other. But eventually both the lovers are united.

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