Thursday 24 March 2016

word choice - Informal phrase for finally doing something pending - very specific

What would be an informal saying of phrase for finally doing some chore or running some errand that was pending for some time?

It maybe something you are avoiding, or something you forget all the time only to remember it when you no longer are in the place wher it can be done. Every time you think of it you sigh in disapproval of yourself. One day finally you do it on an impulse and you get done with it.

You may say, in relief, "I finally crossed that off my list" but in a more informal, idiomatic way.

"To get something over and done with" means "to do something difficult or unpleasant as soon as you can" and does not convey the fact the thing was pending to be done for some time, on the opposite, you did it at the very first opportunity to had to not have to worry about it later. Also The phrase I'm looking for doesn't necessarily refer to something difficult or unpleasant.

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